ISO-9001 for Translation and Typesetting Renewed for the Second Year

Last October we renewed our ISO-9001 quality certification for translation and typesetting services with the certifying company TÜV-Rheiland. This renewal demonstrates our strong commitment to a professional and high quality service. During the renewal process, the certifying agency checks that we have followed the processes established in our quality manual for the standard. The assessment carried out by the certifying company also gives us the chance to review our processes and establish improvement measures, a very interesting aspect of the standard.
We again worked with the German certifying company TÜV-Rheiland, thanks to its professionals with specific knowledge in the translation field. We saw Iván Pastor again this year, TÜV-Rheiland's certifier for translation companies. Thanks to his experience auditing our company and other translation companies he can give us his vision from an external perspective, but using the criteria of a contrasted management system such as ISO-9001. We also chose this certifying company due to its transparency policy thanks to which certificates are available on-line. This offers our clients a clear guarantee of the certificate's authenticity, which unfortunately some companies have forged in the certificate format. You can see our electronic certificate here on the web site provided by TÜV-Rheiland for this purpose.
During the renewal process, which includes an auditing process managed internally by the actual company as well as an external auditing by the certifying company, we again used the services of the Granada Chamber of Commerce, hiring an external consultant to carry out the internal audit, to be present during the renewal audit and to advise us when preparing the management report. For the second year in a row Francisco Javier Quintana Muñoz, from the company ISO Calidad 2000, acted as external auditor. We would like to openly recommend the work of this professional as a gesture of gratitude for his work and professionalism.
Finally, we would encourage all those with suitable conditions to certify your companies. It is certainly a big investment and it is always nerve-racking for somebody to come from outside and examine you inside out and raise objections, but it is a great help to have an external vision and it gives everybody that extra motivation to do things as they should be done.
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Josh Gambin holds a 5-year degree in Biology from the University of Valencia (Spain) and a 4-year degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada (Spain). He has worked as a freelance translator, in-house translator, desktop publisher and project manager. From 2002, he is a founding member of AbroadLlink and currently works as Marketing and Sales Manager.
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