
Keeping Close to our Local Clients

Published on 16/02/2015

AbroadLink's Marketing Department has decided to adapt its brand name to the target country. From this year, visits to the website www.abroadlink.com will be automatically redirected to https://altraducciones.com for Spanish speaking clients, to http://altraductions.com for French speaking clients and to http://abroadlink.com for our clients in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world.

This is part of the company's new internationalisation strategy with a double objective:

Adapting the name to the client's country

The company will still use the brand name AbroadLink, but will start to use the brand names AbroadLink and AbroadLink for Spanish and French clients. AbroadLink will still be used for the rest of countries where English is the working language with clients.

In the case of Spanish and French speaking prospects, our new brand names will sound more familiar, so they will be easier to remember.

SEO strategy

The second objective of this change is to improve the SEO positioning of the company's website.

It is a long-term SEO strategy: while the company hopes to improve its positioning for all searches including the word translation, in the short term the positioning will decrease due to the loss of the domain age.

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Josh Gambin

Josh Gambin holds a 5-year degree in Biology from the University of Valencia (Spain) and a 4-year degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada (Spain). He has worked as a freelance translator, in-house translator, desktop publisher and project manager. From 2002, he is a founding member of AbroadLlink and currently works as Marketing and Sales Manager.

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