
Leading the Technology Race

Published on 09/07/2015

MemoQ Server, Kilgray's online collaboration platform

True to the company's philosophy of remaining at the cutting edge of linguistic technology, AbroadLink's management decided to purchase the Kilgray technology, MemoQ Server. Thanks to this technology, AbroadLink will be able to adapt to the needs of large accounts, where it is often necessary to translate a high volume of words with important time constraints.

MemoQ Server is an online collaboration platform for translation teams, allowing them to share databases which include translations done by all members of the team in real time, as well as the publication of glossaries with key terminology for each specific client.

Another important feature of this platform is the creation of client or project boards as well as a communication channel with group chat between the different members of the translation project, including the project manager. This increases the level of coordination of the project and, ultimately, the coherence and consistency of the results.

Although there are several technologies in the market offering this solution, a pre-purchase study carried out by AboadLink considered that the price-performance ratio of this tool is far superior to its competitors. Another important factor considered by AbroadLink's management team was MemoQ’s evolution since it first appeared on the market.

On a technological level, MemoQ Server stood out for its processing capacity and speed while handling large files compared to SDL technology, the current market leader. Nevertheless, the company will continue to use SDL technology for projects that do not require the real time collaboration of the translation team.

XTRF, cutting edge management system for translation companies

Without a doubt, AbroadLink's most important change from an administrative point of view has been the introduction of XTRF. During February and March 2013 we made the transition from our old management system, TransProject, to the current XTRF. This step has been crucial in order to keep the company in the forefront with regard to technological capacity.

Why change management system

Amongst the most notable aspects that have improved in our management with respect to the old system are the following:

  • Integration of the necessary controls for conformities and non-conformities and for other indicators to fulfill the ISO-9001 quality standard.
  • Higher processing capacity and speed of the software's operations
  • Online form for the registration of providers in our database
  • Interactive interface for clients and providers, providing information such as invoicing, quotes and project follow-up, amongst others.
  • Cloud-based technology, allowing the use of XTRF from any computer with a browser and Internet connection, besides reducing software installation management times.
  • Integration capacity with CAT tools (Computer Assisted Translation)
  • Integration capacity with our online quote form though API
  • Secure communication protocol

 Another important goal that we have reached with XTRF is to increase information security, as all communication made through the HTTP protocol is done in a secure manner.

Finally, it should be noted that both our clients and our providers will benefit from a better project management both in time and in organization, which will certainly make us more competitive and allow us to offer a higher level of service.


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Josh Gambin

Josh Gambin holds a 5-year degree in Biology from the University of Valencia (Spain) and a 4-year degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada (Spain). He has worked as a freelance translator, in-house translator, desktop publisher and project manager. From 2002, he is a founding member of AbroadLlink and currently works as Marketing and Sales Manager.

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