Legal Translation in Madrid: what are the selection criteria?

In legal translation there is no room for the slightest error, as even a minor error can have serious consequences. Therefore, choosing a qualified and experienced professional to carry out your legal translation in Madrid is a task which must be undertaken with great care.
Here are some selection criteria to consider when choosing the ideal professional legal translator for your documents.
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Standard or sworn legal translation?
The first selection criterion to take into account is whether your legal translation should be certified or not. This depends on the nature of the document to be translated and the use to which it is put.
All documents intended for official institutions or legal professionals must be translated by a sworn translator. Otherwise, you can opt for a standard translation, done by a legal translator who is not necessarily a certified translator. Both translations have the same competences, the difference lies in the administrative procedure regarding sworn translations.
The sworn translator is a legal translator who has passed the sworn translator-interpreter examination organised by the Office of Language Interpretation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although he is not a civil servant, he is a notary public and his translations are officially "certified according to the original documents" and bear the seal and signature of the translator.
The sworn translator can translate all kinds of official documents such as company certificates issued by the trade register, passports, wills, judgements, etc.
To obtain a sworn translation in Madrid, you can use a translator from the list of sworn translators appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. If you need a sworn translation from Catalan, you can also consult the list of sworn translators in Catalonia.
Specializations in legal translation
The second criterion to bear in mind for your legal translation in Madrid is to make sure that the legal translator you choose, whether sworn or not, is specialised in the specific area of law that you require.
If, for example, you need a translation of a sales contract for your company, the translator must be specialised in commercial law. If you want to translate an employment contract, the translator must specialize in labor law. In addition, he must be an expert in the laws of the respective countries and be familiar with the similarities, differences and specificities in each of them.
Therefore, the more experience your legal translator has in Madrid, thegreater the guarantee that he or she will produce a quality, error-free translation.
Legal translation in Madrid: confidentiality
Confidentiality seems to be obvious, but it must be verified in each case. The translator or legal translation agency you choose must respect the absolute confidentiality of the documents entrusted to them. Ideally, a confidentiality agreement should be signed, especially for the most sensitive documents.
Legal translation services: the importance of meeting deadlines
While meeting deadlines is always important, it becomes crucial in the context of a legal translation. In fact, legal documents often have to be delivered on a specific date for processing. On the other hand, beware of translators who promise delivery in a very short time, as this can be a sign of poor quality.
At AbroadLink Translations, we offer you our legal translation services in Madrid. We work closely with a team of qualified, specialized professional translators who are experts in their field. Don't hesitate to contact us so that we can talk about your project and create a personalized quote.
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Blog writer and Community Manager interested in multiculturality and linguistic diversity. From her native Venezuela, she has travelled and lived for many years in France, Germany, Cameroon and Spain, passing on her passion for writing and her intercultural experiences.
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