
Simultaneous interpretation of Arno Stern's course at ClickMeeting

Published on 20/09/2020

Arno Stern is an extraordinary man. How many people do you know who were born in 1924 who do online seminars? Yes, Arno Stern is 96 years old but that's no reason not to use new technologies and take his knowledge beyond the borders of France. In addition, Arno Stern speaks French, but thanks to the remote interpretation services of our translation agency, 20 Italian trainees were able to enjoy the event live.

Índice de contenidos

Index of contents

Index du contenu


Indice dei contenuti

  1. Who's Arno Stern?
  2. Why did Arno Stern decide to work with AbroadLink Translations?
  3. Selection of interpreters for the event at ClickMeeting

1. Who's Arno Stern?

Arno Stern was born in Germany, but with Hitler's rise to power his father decided to leave Germany and settle down in France. Due to the family situation and the fear of being arrested during the years of the Second World War, he did not have the opportunity to have a "normal" education. During his life, Arno Stern has researched and created a system of learning outside the conventional conception. If you are interested in knowing more about Arno Stern's original thinking and his research on how to educate children and how to initiate them in painting, we recommend you see the interview with his own son -who has never been to school or followed a formal education-, which you can find published by the BBVA Foundation: see André Stern's interview with his father (in French).

2. Why did Arno Stern decide to work with AbroadLink Translations?

Arno Stern offers training based on his extensive experience in learning and teaching painting to children. This training course takes place over 4 weekends and on this occasion there were more than 20 Italian trainees who were interested in being able to take the course. For his part, Arno Stern was familiar with the use of ClickMeeting as an online tool for webinars. However, one of the problems with using ClickMeeting is that to date it does not provide a configuration that allows simultaneous interpretation.

From AbroadLink Translations, we offered an alternative configuration that would allow for simultaneous interpretation while Arno Stern could deliver the course using the tool he mastered and trusted for the good experiences already accumulated. AbroadLink Translations' solution was to use an alternative system that would run alongside the course and bring the voice of the interpreters to the ears of the Italian course attendees. In order to successfully carry out the interpretation, instructions had to be written for the Italian trainees and they had to be given technical support in Italian.

ClickMeeting is a platform for webinars and online meetings. If you want to know more, you can visit the ClickMeeting website.

3. Selection of interpreters for the event at ClickMeeting

From the point of view of the interpretation, Arno Stern's sessions were a challenge in terms of the originality and peculiarity of the contents to be translated. For us at AbroadLink it was important to ensure that the interpreters were the most suitable. One of the first decisions taken in this respect was to consider only interpreters whose mother tongue was Italian. While the interpretation would be from a course given by Arno Stern in French into the Italian head by an Italian audience, the most recommendable was to use Italian native interpreters because of the greater ease of interpretation into the native language and the better acceptance and understanding that this interpretation would have among Italian native speakers.

But this was not the only aspect taken into account, it was also necessary to find interpreters with less than five years of experience who could offer more competitive rates that could be viable for a more modest budget, but at the same time ensure the competence of these interpreters in the case of a creative subject related to pedagogy and painting. For this task, AbroadLink Translations made a pre-selection of 6 interpreters according to their personal profiles by means of an interpretation test in which they need to interpret Arno Stern himself, which was evaluated according to various parameters and which enabled the selection of the two interpreters who performed the interpretation of the webinar given from France at ClickMeeting.

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Josh Gambin

Josh Gambin holds a 5-year degree in Biology from the University of Valencia (Spain) and a 4-year degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada (Spain). He has worked as a freelance translator, in-house translator, desktop publisher and project manager. From 2002, he is a founding member of AbroadLlink and currently works as Marketing and Sales Manager.

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