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The world of translation is not limited to words; it also encompasses cultures, histories and traditions . One question that often puzzles our clients is why some languages are read from left to right and others from right to left . In this article, we explore this fascinating question by delving into the historical, practical and cultural roots of these differences. [TOC] The historical roots...
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Language is much more than a simple communication tool. It reflects human cultures, experiences and emotions from around the world. Each language has its own unique nuances and expressions, some of which are so deeply rooted in culture that they are virtually impossible to translate directly into other languages. In this article, we explore some fascinating examples of words that are...
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Desktop publishing or DTP is a process that allows us to create documents with high quality graphics, text and images. The use of digital printing technology has also enabled us to produce high quality printed materials in a cost-effective manner. This technology is used by both businesses and individuals to produce professional-looking documents. It can also be used to create personalised items...
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Translation is one of the sectors with the highest wage equality and job quality. Moreover, in this sector, the number of female professionals exceeds the number of male professionals. Professional translation is one of the few sectors where figures show that there are more women in this profession than men. These figures have been achieved over the last few decades, but the root of this...
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[TOC] 1. What is a sworn translation? The demand for sworn translation services has increased due to our globalised market, increasing immigration , the expansion of international tourism. This is because the translation of any official document (used for almost every official procedure) depends on the country-specific laws and regultation. The translation of legal or administrative documents...
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The profession of translator is an ancient one, dating back to the earliest efforts of humans to understand each other. Although it's little known, translation requires great capacity for understanding and adaptation, diplomacy and even artistic talent. All this is needed to produce accurate translations which respect the original without distortions. Prejudices about professional translation are...
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Have you ever considered translating your documents or web content into German? Well, first of all, you'll be interested to know that there are several varieties of German . As with other languages, such as English, which shows linguistic differences between the various English-speaking countries such as the USA and United Kingdom, German also has varieties among the German-speaking countries. We...
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In 2015, the language learning application Babbel surveyed nearly 14,000 users to find out which languages were considered the "hottest". The result was that Latin languages lead the ranking, with French being the undisputed winner. This is not a surprising result since French has long had the reputation of being THE language of love at an international level. Okay, but why is French perceived...
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Basque is a language that has been and continues to be a great mystery to scholars of comparative linguistics and philolinguistics. This authenticity of the Basque language has given rise to various theories in search of an explanation of its birth and evolution. One of these theories would relate Basque to Berber, a language of North Africa, although the revision of the assumptions on which that...
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The extraordinary human capacity for invention in the field of communication never ceases to amaze us. In times marked by the revolution of communication between individuals, extremely unique forms of communication still exist, such as, for example, the whistled language of the island of La Gomera, on the Canary Islands, which we wrote about recently. While there are many more examples of long-...