Feng Shui: Tips to Feel Better in the Office

Feng Shui is a millenary art with the purpose of connecting and harmonising with our surroundings. Whether or not you are sceptical, and whether or not you believe that everyday objects and buildings have their own energy, we have all felt the pleasure or displeasure that the layout, decoration or location of an office can cause. Below, you will find some guidelines to improve your work surroundings based on Feng Shui, used by companies such as Microsoft, British Airways or Coca Cola, as stated by Feng Shui consultant Simon G. Brown.
In the business sector, Feng Shui is starting to expand, although countries such as China have been applying this knowledge to their work environment for decades. There are companies that are dedicated to doing energetic studies of homes and/or workplaces. Through the Internet you can also find products to help harmonise spaces, such as cut glass balls which can activate natural energy. There are also professionals in the sector that offer Feng Shui courses. With this aim in view, I can recommend the following web site http://www.fengshuisociety.org.uk/.
Let's implement some Feng Shui rules.
To begin, you should check the position of your desk. According to the Feng Shui art it should meet the following requirements:
- It should not be placed in a stairwell.
- The door should bevisible from your desk. Doors and windows have a constant flow of energy, you should ensure that it does not "pass you by". If they are in front of each other, make sure that that window has curtains or plants on the sill to slow down the energy flow, as speeding up the energy will have a negative effect.
- If the door cannot be seen from your desk, this can be corrected by using a mirror so that the door is always visible. Not being able to see the door can leave you feeling uneasy, as you don't know if somebody will surprise you from behind, and that will reduce your concentration level.
- For creative jobs, the window should be visible from the desk. Make sure that the window has a plant nearby, so that you have the necessary contact with nature and so that you can disconnect for short intervals thanks to the visual contact.
- Do not place a desk where there will be a window or door behind you.
- Do not place wall shelves above your head. This is in the case of your desk being situated against the wall. Due to the survival instinct, you will not work comfortably if you think that a pile of books or objects can fall on top of you. The best thing is to place shelves in a passageway, or even better, use full shelving units instead of hanging ones to give the sensation of stability.
Colour is another point to bear in mind. The colour scheme should include colours belonging to both polarities: Yin and Yang. If you want to look into these concepts further, it is easy to find books explaining Yin and Yang, Qi or the energetic properties of the elements (earth, water, metal, wood, fire), but the essential book for understanding this philosophy is "Tao te Ching" by Lao Tzu.
- On walls, use greys, off-white, white or cream to favour concentration. Avoid bright colours, that could cause stress.
- On objects, use colour depending on what you wish to achieve. Reds provide energy, violets boost creativity, yellow provides dynamism.
- Office furniture should be a harmonious blend between wood and metal.
Other aspects to consider:
- Having plants improves your work space, not only for the balance of the elements, but also because they absorb the radiation from electronic devices such as computers, Wifi technology, mobiles...
- If you don't have pleasant views due to an urban environment, a painting or photo of nature will improve your work space.
- Order and cleanliness avoid the stagnation of the energy of a particular area.
- The chair where you work must be strong and stable to boost the prosperity of your company.
- Avoid fluorescent tube lighting, as it gives the sensation of coldness and does not help you to feel comfortable in the place where you spend so many hours of your life.
- Pleasant aromas that remind you of nature are very positive in the office. Avoid aromas such as cloves, vanilla or any other aroma that reminds you of anything edible, as this will distract you and will make you think about your lunch break rather than the task at hand.
- Separate the rest area, where you have a coffee, from the work tables. This is an ideal area to paint in earth tones, with a predominance of the wood element over the metal element.
These are just some tips so that your place of work is comfortable and efficient. Feng Shui provides well-being, as humans are not machines but biological entities with needs. Besides, a harmonious environment will positively affect your mood and therefore your performance. Such an ancient art like Feng Shui, which has survived so many centuries of change, is still important in the present day. You can start with these small changes, and if they have a positive effect, then you can look deeper into the subject.
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Technical writer and blogger as freelance and currently studying Hispanic Studies and specializing in literature of the XX century. Winner of the first prize of short novel of 2012 and the first price of epistolary genre of 2013.
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