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Business Management
Managing projects that involve the translation of languages we do not know is a real challenge. When these languages use an alphabet other than the Roman alphabet, the challenge is even greater. Chinese is one of those cases where the alphabet will make us feel totally disoriented. Learning Chinese with the sole aim of being able to manage translation projects is totally unfeasible. However, you...
Business Management
What do these professionals have in common: quality, professionalism and reliability. The translation profession is vulnerable, and while it is true that university studies in translation offer a certain degree of quality, so does long-standing experience as a translator. The road is made by walking... [TOC] But, how can you select and separate the real professionals from the opportunists? No,...
Business Management
The pace of life nowadays means that many people have to eat at their workplace , or near to it. There are days when it's impossible to go home for lunch . Eating in nearby pubs, cafes and restaurants is always an option, but, do we really need to spend money on something that we can resolve ourselves? Besides this, our food choices might not be altogether healthy, due to fast food menus and...
Business Management
Feng Shui is a millenary art with the purpose of connecting and harmonising with our surroundings. Whether or not you are sceptical, and whether or not you believe that everyday objects and buildings have their own energy, we have all felt the pleasure or displeasure that the layout, decoration or location of an office can cause. Below, you will find some guidelines to improve your work...
Business Management
In recent years coaching has emerged as a result-orientated methodology which has sparked interest in many sectors. Many companies and high level executives already use this type of support service in order to improve their efficiency at work. [TOC] Why is coaching of interest in the business field? "Let's be original and successful". Many professionals could say this when they wake up in the...
Business Management
When starting out in the corporate world, changing jobs or after a promotion many professionals are faced with the dilemma of what to wear to the office. It is likely that many have posed this question when their own personal style is far removed from the classic style used at work. There are companies in which it is obligatory to wear a specific attire, and others in which it is not. What is...